You too, can be a winner.
You may be aware that there’s a presidential election bearing down on us, and you’re undoubtedly aware that voting is not only your right and your privilege, but dagnammit all, it’s your duty as a free citizen. We’d like to turn your face into a billboard for civic responsibility, and the best way to do that is for you to head over to (scroll down to the bottom for face masks) and pick up a VOTE face mask. Three styles to choose from, DIY, regular or gaiter.
The first 10 orders will also receive VOTE coasters, a 5x7, 3-color, hand-printed postcard, a 1.5” campaign button, and… wait for it… a 3” VOTE refrigerator magnet. Once you place your order, send me a text or an email with your mailing address and the VOTE swag will be on the way (provided you’re one of the first 10 individuals to take advantage of this fantastic offer).
PS: While you’re at spoonflower, check out the rest of the merchandise that’s available, as well as the other fabrics that we’ve created in our shop.